Whistler Story Contest :: Win Free Whistler Lift Tickets

Your Whistler Story Contest
Troy’s Top Pick Wins a free Lift Ticket…
Best Whistler story will be selected from all submissions and the winner receives a Free Whistler Blackcomb single day lift ticket.
Winner must be willing to share their story with other guests on our website (similar to our Whistler Reviews page).
My name is Troy Assaly and I lived, worked skied and rode in Whistler for over a decade. We started advertising owner-direct Whistler rentals in the early days of the Web, back when it was just us, the Delta Hotel, and Whistler.com. Plain text website ads, no photos, no videos… Oh, how things have changed with the invention of social media.
The goal of the Whistler Story Contest is to cut thru the Internet noise with true stories about real travelers in Whistler.
Share your own personal Whistler story… something happy, exciting, scary, or whatever.
Troy Assaly, Owner / Operator
New Whistler Contest Entries
Kathleen’s Whistler Story…
June of 2013 a few friends and I joined together as a team and entered into the Whistler Tough Mudder. This was my second Tough Mudder event, the first being in Las Vegas in April. Whistler was by far the most beautiful yet challenging terrain. We ran uphills, downhills, jumped in ice cold water, ventured through the biggest amounts of mud and crawled through ice tunnels.
I enjoyed the best bowl of Poutine from a Vendor in the Village. What a reward for such an experience.
We all enjoyed walking through the Village late at night with all it’s street lights, made me feel like I was in another country all together.
Michael’s Whistler Story…
Early last year we saw a “too-good-to-miss” deal for flights from Perth, Australia, to Vancouver. Roughly half-price normal fares! We had never been to Canada, so snapped up 2 tickets, only catch was the deal was only for flights from mid-May to mid-June. A ski-nut in the 80’s, I hadn’t skied for 24 years, & didn’t think there was going to be any thought of renewing the passion in late spring, with Whistler closing in April.
Then while researching & planning our trip, discovered that Blackcomb was open till mid-May! It was extended for a week last year, so had 2 days of superb skiing. Could have had more, but partner doesn’t ski. However, managed to persuade her to go up the chairlift with me on the 2nd day, & saw our first bear ambling below the chairlift!!
We love Whistler, & I’m going back early next year to renew the passion!
Paul’s Whistler Story…
So, I was hanging out with the guys at the ride tent at the top of Whistler during Telus Festival one year. I have my cozy warmth stashed in a Powerade bottle and one of the riders says ” yo can I get some of that?” I say, it’s Patron, and toss him the bottle. He smiles, nods, and tilts his head back. After swallowing a whole mouthful, he pulls back and half cough/half vomits onto the snow. Looks up and just starts dying laughing. He thought it was water… maybe it was the fact it was 10 a.m… maybe he didn’t take my chrome “Hundred dolla bills y’all!” Coat seriously… either way it was a great time.
Lorne’s Whistler Story…
The Telus Snowboard fest has become our annual connection for my daughter and I. A wonderful place to visit, share wonderful food, a drink and dance or two and outstanding accommodations. We’ve been doing this since the early 90’s and no matter where in the world I am, we always have our Whistler week on our schedule. This will always be my father daughter weekend and we’ve made some outstanding connections with each other and visitors to the hill. Snowboarding for a lifetime and life style. Ride On.
Randy’s Whistler Story…
It was a warm summer day, the kind that begged to get up before the crack of dawn and hit the trails riding. My buddy and I were staying a few nights at the Stoney lagoon in the village, we brought our bikes, blades, clubs, fishing poles and we’re ready to head out on a day of adventure. We started the day warming up on the valley trail and then decided to hit the slopes and ride to mid mountain. I was very determined,motivated to push my way as far as I could go! My buddy was lagging behind and I stopped at times to wait for him, apparently the “night before syndrome” was kicking in! He could see the look in my eye and the determination to push onward, which I now told him I am riding all the way to the top!! He decided that it wasn’t happening for him so he gave me his pager….yes I am dating myself. I carried on upward and upward, bashing rocks, stumps and dripping with sweat. nothing was going to stop me, the beautiful scenery and the smell of alpine meadows spurred me on. The heavy breathing and the occasional pushing the bike through the glacier, loose rocks, I was getting higher and higher stopping only for a glimpse of the valley as I replenished myself. I felt a buzz on my hip and remembered that I have my buddies pager,he was sending me some messages. “Ahhhhh” “cold” we’re the messages…..confused I wasn’t sure what he meant but then quickly realized!
He was at the Longhorn replenishing himself..lol! Onward I went, more rocks,stumps,snow and hot sweaty hands until I reached the crest and was overwhelmed with such accomplishment, I just realized that I had not only made it to the top but all the way to the peak! Unbelievable. I took in the moment, guzzled my water and took a look around. Most of the people up here paid for this view, I paid for it with sweat and determination. After enjoying the view and cooling down it was now time to let the bike take me down the long ride to the valley.
What a huge rush flying down the windy trail, getting yelled at by an attendant, which I only heard for a second I couldn’t take my eyes off the trail in fear of being launched ass over tea kettle. I quickly apologized as I flew by crashing and bashing at times uncontrollably down the steep slopes. I finally reached the bottom, arms a mess, breathing out of control, legs like jelly and in need of a refreshment. I pulled up to the longhorn and there he was…my buddy still there, now with 3 gorgeous guests and countless bottles of empty refreshments.
He had a cold one waiting for me! “Ahhhh” “cold”. What a great ride and even better finish! Needless to say the clubs, fishing pole, Blades had to wait. That is my fondest Whistler day.
Paul’s Whistler Story…
On May 20th, 2010, I was in Vancouver for a meeting and it was an amazing day (for Vancouver), brilliant sunshine and mid 20’s Celsius. I finished my meeting about noon and rather than spending the day in Van, I decided to rent a car and go up the Sea-to-Sky and play golf at Furry Creek and off I went. I got to Furry Creek and played a magnificent course, bought the tee shirt and anticipated going back to Vancouver for the evening and overnight, then flying back to Toronto the next day.
When I got to the pro shop to return my rentals I ran into a couple of Aussies who said that they had just come down from Whistler and that the snow conditions on Blackcomb were awesome and that there was maybe only one day left in the season. That was enough!
I blew up to Whistler got a great room at the Adara for a great price, went to Sushi Village for an astounding meal turned in and woke up expecting kind of limited skiing – it was 22 degrees Celsius. Only the top of Blackcomb was open but that is more skiing than all of the East.
The conditions were soft spring stuff but huge fun. The bumps moved when you hit them. It was fantastic! The runs off the Crystal Traverse down to the Glacier Express which are usually bumped out and treacherous were soft and lovely. Just amazing black cruisers. It got warmer through the day and eventually I was skiing in shirtsleeves. By the end of the day the snow had melted to a place above the bottom of the Solar Coaster which probably did mean the end of the season. It didn’t matter to me though,
I had had my incredible two days, golf and ski, and hustled down to YVR and took the red-eye to T.O. Anybody who doesn’t think that Whistler is the absolute best is nuts.
Whistler Contest Entries from Last Year
Tie for Best Whistler Story 2013…
Barb’s Whistler Story…
The day I moved to the West Coast is the day that I decided that I would learn to snowboard. Little did I know that this simple choice would change the rest of my life.
I was so excited, that I put a lot of money into the most gorgeous snowboard that i could afford. Living in a studio and not having a lot of storage, I decided that the gorgeous board would be my first piece of “artwork” and hung it on the wall as art at any time that I was not snowboarding. I decorated my entire place around that snowboard — pulling colors from the artwork to decide the color of accent walls, pillows, and upholstery. My girlfriends thought me a bit quirky in a cool sort of way.
My best girlfriend ran into a man who loved his snowboards and he hung them on his walls like works of art. My girlfriend thought that was so unusual that she had to introduce us.
We began dating and snowboarding together. Not long after, I had the opportunity to serve as an event coordinator for a large group of people for their trip to Whistler. Although I had to work for most of the weekend, my date and I decided that we would actually meet at Whistler the day before my group arrived, so that we could spend an afternoon snowboarding together.
I’ll never, ever forget the feeling I had in getting off the gondola to meet him at the Roundhouse to begin our afternoon of fun. When I first laid eyes on him, I swear that my heart was beating so hard that I thought you could see it move my jacket. I knew at that moment that I was in love with this man.
A year later, on another snowboarding trip to Whistler with friends, he proposed to me while actually snowboarding on a run at Whistler; there is a run lower than the Roundhouse that has a scenic lookout and a small wooden bench for people to take a break and look at the view, and on that clear sunny day, it was a view for the rest of my life.
Whistler will always be our place — where we both fell in love and got engaged. The place is in our hearts just as we are in each other’s hearts.
Penny’s Whistler Story…
I’ve been skiing at Whislter way before there was a village. The only bar was Dusty’s called “L’Apres” back then.
I remember a hilarious Spring, first time we had no lower slope snow and had to download for the first time. They had these plastic “carpets” you had to ski down after you got off the chair at the bottom.
Half way down we could hear all these shouts and laughter. We could see a row of people each holding up a big card like the judging cards at Skating events with numbers on them (1 to 10). They were judging how people navigated the green plastic carpets, most fell quite specatacularly, (that would get you a ten!).
You can imagine our nervousness all the way down (no high speed chairs then, lots of time to ponder!) wondering what our “mark” would be, would we make it without falling/injury? I’m amazed to say somehow I managed to ski down that plastic without a fall!
Things have changed a lot since then, Whistler is still spectacular and a lot easier to navigate! (we also used to Scotchguard our jeans as we could not afford ski pants and sleep out in a camper van with no heat in the Huskey parking lot)…those were the days!
Shirley’s Whistler Story…
One weekend, my friend and I went for a day trip to Whistler. I am a snowboarder and he is a skier, quite an expert skier and most times, I struggle to keep up with him.
We just wanted an easy day so we stayed around the Emerald area and did a few blue runs. It was getting late and we had decided one more run and we’ll go for lunch.
Part way down the run, he disappears into the area with the trees and I was not sure where he went but he always does this, so to me it was completely normal. We usually end up meeting just around the chairlift area and I wear a hot pink jacket, so I am easy to spot.
I kept boarding, almost at the Emerald chairlift, and out of nowhere, someone hits me from behind. Before I knew what was happening, I found myself flat on my back with my friend lying next to me! It turns out, it was him that jumped out of the trees and skied right into me!
It was rather embarassing for both of us but luckily, no one was around to witness this! We just had a great laugh about it.
Anthea’s Whistler Story…
I had planned a second visit to Whistler, from the UK, to see it in the summer time. Our first time had been in a snowy ski season. My intention was to hike in the mountains and to ride the ‘Peak to Peak’. Unfortunately, a torn hamstring injury meant I couldn’t do that! So, I still enjoyed the amazing views (from the village), gently exercised my leg in Market Place Lodge hot-tub, and plan to visit again. The third time will hopefully be lucky for getting into the mountains….
Farah’s Whistler Story…
My name is Farah and im a huge fan of whistler. I Moved to Canada from Kenya and when I visited whistler I loved it. I loved the small town feel, the feeling that everyone knew each other even though I’m sure majority were tourists as it was packed in the summer time. Whistler is a great place tO bring friends and family that visit from Out of town, or a place to go party with your friends or enjoy skiing or snowboarding. I can’t wait to visit again soon!
Tricia’s Whistler Story…
In 1999, my girlfriend and I were out for a good night out, just to have fun. My friend Jillian dared me to give away a can of beer. I agreed. As we were walking down the streets of Whistler, all I came across was inappropiate people to pass this can of beer to (i.e. kids, old people). Then we were just about to enter a bar and I had put the can of beer down, I saw a group of guys. I said to them..”does anyone want this can of beer”, and a guy named jon said ” I will” as part of the deal he had to take a photo with me. I found out he lived in England and was here on holiday. Long story short…we are married now with 2 kids! You just never know where and when you will people your soul mate!
Terry’s Whistler Story…
We stayed in a unit on the 4th floor booked thru www.ResortAc.com for three weeks for Christmas 2011, for 2 adults and two older teenage kids. We paid extra for the extra beds, but on arrival found only one bed, no extra linen etc. The next day the owner phoned and told us about a bed which folded down and where to find extra bedding. We still did not have enough bedding for the 2nd kid, who slept on the couch. We ran out of toilet paper, we had to wash the sheets and towels, and after one week the owner called in to fix the internet connection. We had all the rubbish in the bin on the floor, but he yelled at my kids for not taking the rubbish out cos it attracts rats, –on the 4th floor — & yelled at the kids for a lot of other things too. When my wife and I turned up, he yelled at us also. After the repairman left ther was a big mess, which the owner did not clean up at all, but left it all over the floor. We did not have enough bedding for the 2nd kid, no fresh towels, no toilet paper or washing detergent. The blinds did not close properly, but we made do. ‘cos the snow was great and we hadfun in township of Whistler. We are coming back from Australia 12 months later to again have fun at Whistler, but we are now staying elsewhere. The owner was worse than BASIL FAWLTY of BBC TV COMDEY FAWLTY TOWERS- an owner of a hotel who is the worst hotelier. [google FAWLTY TOWERS]
Debra’s Whistler Story…
We’re from Vancouver, WA and12 years ago our family came to Whistler Blackcomb for the first time, we fell in love with it and have returned every year since for a Winter Vacation and as our family has grown with daughter in laws, son in laws and grandkids, we continue to invite them all to join us and show them all why we love Whistler. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Jenn’s Whistler Story…
My four year old neice at Whistler two years ago was persuaded to take ski lessons with Aunty Jennie on the basis that following her 20th run down the magic carpet hill, she would receive a toy Barbie for her effort. She followed every direction I gave her. She did the pizza, the french fry and turned as I directed. The rain poured down and she never complained After counting with her on the 20th run, she glided to a stop at the bottom, looked up at her mother and I and said: “I want my Barbie”
Jenny’s Whistler Story…
My name is Jenny & we visited Whistler 2 years ago to watch our daughter race in the Whistler Cup where she put together an amazing run to gain a podium finish. The excitement & atmosphere was amazing. KT has again qualified for the Whistler Cup in 2013 & we can’t wait to be back amongst it all again.
Cheryl’s Whistler Story…
My family and I were up in Whistler enjoying a ski weekend.We decided to go out to enjoy the show with the snowboarders jumping thru the “ring of fire”.It was fantastic! We were at the front of the crowd right by the rope .An announcer said “make sure you go pick up a drink at the 7-11 hut and you could have a chance to win one of our prizes this evening”.The rest of my family wasn’t up to fighting back thru the crowd so I decided to go on my own..Made my way back with the ticket in my hand.They went thru several smaller prizes and suddenly came to the big one,It was a heli -ski adventure worth $700. The announcer started calling out the numbers one by one,he got to the end..and it was my ticket !! I won!! It was so exciting!
Michelle’s Whistler Story…
Hello, my name is Michelle and my story isn’t maybe so much about Whistler, but my husbands love for Whistler and the Christmas’s we spend there. My husband Derek is a Paramedic with the Canadian Armed forces and every year when he comes home we spend our time in Whistler. I have lived in Fort Langley my whole life and never been skiing or snowboarding. My husband changed that we he fell in love with Whistler and we started the tradition of spending our Christmas’s there years ago, when he comes home for his Christmas Holiday’s. Last year we were posted to CFB Esquimalt on Vancouver Island and Derek was extremely excited he didn’t have to travel home just to keep our Christmas tradition alive. That came to a crashing halt last August. Derek was seriously injured on a military exercise, when he blew 2 disks in his back. He spent his entire last Christmas on his back and has been in chronic pain for over a year. He was so depressed over Christmas and wanted to go to Whistler so bad. I felt horrible for him. I had to help dress him and watched him struggle to do daily things. Being such an active person, this last year has really broke him down. He has good days, bad days and has a limp when it gets really bad due sciatic nerve pain, but he’s just happy to be moving again. I know he was really hoping to get the green light to go to Whistler this year from the doctor’s, even if he just goes tubing he said. Derek loves Whistler and just wants to start living his life, but with the pain it’s a constant struggle. It’s hard for him to even sit for an hour, he usually lies down in the back of the car if we have to go to the mainland. His birthday is on the 29th of October and he said he wanted a roof rack for the car and when I asked “for what?” he said to put a snowboard on top when he goes to Whistler this Christmas’s. I honestly don’t think the doctor’s will let him go, but to see him happy some times and have that hope is what he needs. He loves going up to Whistler and hopefully we will see everyone this year! Even if it’s not on the slopes!!!
Matt’s Whistler Story…
Shredded camp of champs summer 08. Winter 09 went for a visit rode powder with some pros I met at camp and a few pros I knew but never met! Waist deep big pillows and some unreal tree skiing…
Troy’s Whistler Story…
When I started this Whistler story contest for my vacation rentals website, I had no intention of adding my own Whistler ski story.
That all changed when we woke up to 25 cms of fresh powder on Thanksgiving weekend 2012.
Read my Whistler story about Whistler opening weekend here...